Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Jazzcafe Bebop in Delft

After a long period of not being able to an unconsciously not wanting to visit this idyllic town I got independent, I came to visit some friends. One good friend just came back from 6 months travelling and since I had some other friends I finally wanted to catch up with I went to Delft on friday night after my yoga class.
We started and ended in jazzcafe Bebop in the kruisstraat or something. I had already spend many hours in this pub during my colllege years (yeah I'm getting old...;-)) and now again I experienced it as a new environment. All the guys, approciamtely 99 % of all customers was male, turned their head as long as my frined (good looking, tall, friendly) and I (blond, tall, and unaware) were walking into the pub. We had a hard time finding a place, and finally we ended up sitting halfway in the walking path... the guys didn't mind. Fortunately her boyfriend and another friend came quite soon, and the attention was gone. Good to be living in Groningen!
Though, just as a remark, this is one of the best pubs in Delft!! Most of the time sehr gemuttlich and a wide range of beers and the like...

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