The production period has not been one of the greatest I have ever had. It was chaotic and not well arranged, communicated , produced so to say. Together with some fellow actors we gossiped a lot about the organsiation (groninger studenten toneel), which is actually bad, but they were bad.
Each thursday we had rehearsals from 5.30 to 10 pm, dinner before with Robby, Daan en Marijke.
And standing on stage was not as overwhelming as it used to be. I was fed up with the lines, with some fellow actors, the director and the whole play to be honest. I was glad the third night was over and I was done with it.
But now one month later, I realised it has given me something special. If not only nice people I have met (which I only realised in the last few days and days hereafter), also some open mind, peace, and just knowing I stood in front of 1000 people, doing something stupid without feeling I did so.

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