Thursday, September 04, 2008

drinken en ontbijten in pieterburen

It is funny how this little industries maintain itself. Pieterburen is comepltely organized for the wet walking tours each day (next to the seal house). I arrived quite late on friday, had to come from Dusseldorf and picked up Maarten and Mark on the way. The group sat in a cafe and I had a drink and chat. We slept in an accommodation on the attic. Funny place, with one toilet and bathroom for 30 people. We had to get up really really early for the wet walking and to get some energy in it, Fleur and I started the day good with some energy in the group.
THen we had to have our breakfast just down the road, where as it appeared, many more peopel had to have their breakfast just before they were going for hte wet walking. A parade of cars then drove to the dike, where we were introduced to our own guide that showed us the ins and outs of wet walking.

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