Second night of Noorderzon and I was sitting in the Juliet tent watching naked man and naked woman doing incredible things with their body. As I am always a bit sceptic about nudity in theatre shows I was curious how this woudl turn out, as already in the annoucement it was said nudity appears, without having a legitimate excuse for it. OK, let's see. Id on't know if it was becasue I was prepared, or that it was just there and not like in some confronting plays, just halfway the end of the play someone undressing and stnading there for 2 seocnds. It was good.
Furhtermore they had very nice sometimes shocking sadistic pieces of art in it. To balance that with slapstick and just bizarre pieces. A man in a white trousers can literally walk on a rope to the ceiling, it appeared the rope is read, and a bag of red fluid was hanging at the top of the rope. This resulted in a body that got marked by the rope, as if he being punished.
A woman that rolls on his face just as easy as she rolls on her back.
well done people form melbourne!

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