Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cyrano by Groninger Studenten Toneel

De second production of the GST of this year was Cyrano (the first was the one I was acting in). We were there almost with the full crew of te first production (Iris and Melanie were missing). It was more intense, more emotions, less actors (except for the figuranten of shield people). But it didn't grab me. Am I too spoiled, too wasted on good quality, or just too cold to understand it? Too critical? It can also be because I act myself and would not be proud if the quality of the play would be like this... I can imagine standing there, I can see what can be improved.
But at least I understand the story of Cyrano. Because he had a lot of text and the actors only had limited time for rehearsing, two cyranos took part. Also two roxannes took part. The director did a good job on combining and playing with this aspect (not denying the fact of it). He also did a good job an adding music, piano music that reminded me of my favourite movie before sunrise.

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