THe bikes were arranged and we picked up the key and cycled. We had two tandems, which is an experience in itself. Not hte tow, but sititnbg with two on a bike makes you aware of the dependency of the other and the balance organ in your head which constantly wants to do something else then theperson sitting in front of you. Once you decide to just move your legs along with the pedals it's ok. Just don't look in fornt of you. It's like sitting in a rikshaw. Do not try to drive along, the driver knows what he is doing and doens't want to die either! (right Pim?!)
Then the camping place: de kooi achter de tuinen. Also this was arranged thanks to an umbrella in the ground next to the tent of the two wonderful guys who arrived the night before. A reserved spot and the wlakking path was enough to place the next three tents and we were all installed and ready to drink... where?
this ended in a long cycle trip to nowhere. Since I don't know anything about the island (my first time here) I did not wnat to bother with the directions or worrying about where to go or how to come back. I decided to let someone else take over the leadership and lean bakc on the backseat of the tandem (does that exist elsewhere?)
we ended up nowhere. I start wondering, would that have been different if I would have bothered abotu it...? As I did not have a destination I came where I wanted to go and then went home. The trip is better then the destination is something we had to keep in hte back of our head for this journey.
To make this already too long story not shorter but not too long to be boring: we had a great time! the two wonderful guys bought tickets for two nice theatre performances (one better than the other) which I explain in a next post. NExt year I will definitely try to go longer, see more, go with the same people I don't know, or others I don't know, at least somepeopel I don't know and enjoy the fresh air, the camping and the absence of any digital devices whatsoever, except for a cash machine.