Sunday, June 18, 2006

io festival 2006 imagination

Last friday was probably the last io festival I will visit. It was great. When I did drink too much, I was planning not too, my feet couldn't stop moving and the day after I couldn't walk anymore. I liked themusic, though 2005 had the best line-up. It is always good to see that hte things we (in 2002 with Inkijk) initiated are still being used, I can enjoy it so much, because I also know the other side of the coin. It was 6 o'clock and ti was light outside, it was a great feeling, I was with the right person.
As good as the festival was also the preparty with Hanneke, Salome, Cristina, Chiara and Merijn. We had a little make-up and change festivity and good food.

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