Monday, March 30, 2009


for Gustaves birthday party. A very small cafe between salon des amateurs and ratingerstrasse. We danced alittle bit, but there wasn't too much space. I had conversations with a random selection of people that were either Gustaves friend or from the girl he held the party with. I was quite tired though...

the stander


Charlie Wilsons war

pizzeria near suttons

salsa exclusiva

roosbeef & het zesde metaal

no country for old men

Friday, March 20, 2009


koffie met pap en mam


with meryl streep, uma thurman

mama mia



van der valk - houten

brida - paulo Coelho

the reader


Monday, March 16, 2009

61 degrees

A quite cafe near pempelfort. Mom, dad and me had lunch there and some coffee. THe coffee wasn't particularly good, but the lunch was very nice! A lot also, we could nearly finish it. I had been here also one time before with Sara, a swedish girl. We had a nice conversation, but unfortunately we never really took of as friends. The cafe alsos ells furniture in the (cold) basement.

china lounge (or something like that)

stranger than fiction

kiku sushi

lucky number slevin

the matador

na ni wa noodles

Thursday, March 12, 2009

slumdog millionaire

Great movie! I had to get in to it, as it is still a game show. But the story is just very great and that it is situated in Mumbai is even more fantastic. I miss it!


I had a splendid evening in this dancing bar just around the corner of lustwandel on ratingerstrasse. Relaxed atmosphere and OK musique, good company as well.