Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Saturday, October 04, 2008

my Birthday

I had a very good time at the party I had for my 27th birthday. I invited Vence to come and play some acoustic music and had quite some people over from Delft and Rotterdam. Finally the two worlds could meet each other.


THis si a bakery store chain in Dusseldorf. I had some lunch there with my mom when she was there to visit me. The chai tea was not of particular taste and sandwiches are not special.

improvisation workshop

With some people from work we did an improvisation workshop. Although I have quite some experience in improvising, this was special, as the workshop was given by my sister in Parnassos. It is always fun to do improvisation and we had a good laugh, and my sister is really good at it.


And to close the night we went to the dubious place called Derrick. 70s, 80s and 90s music in all kinds of combinations and sounds. Which was good at times, with a nostalgic flavour. Music I didn't liek when it was actually a hit, but was now perfect to have a good dance.


Cocktail bar just down the road by Florin. I had been there with my sister several times and also a few months ago after the imrpovisation workshop at parnassos. I had a moquito and a chat with someone about passion, politics and personality. Can a person change, is a person on one time different from what he is the next time?


A regular diner for many students or young workers. The tortilla actually had quite some vegetables in it, which was surprising to me. Though the food is simple, the setting is good and the rpice as well. Went there with a group of people I don't know that well from work. Nice conversations about God, astrology, opinions and love.