Sunday, May 25, 2008


At queens day I went to Franeker with Tjitske, Jelmer and Ymkje. A nice little town in Friesland. But like every other queens day, there is not much to it, except actualy that the royal familty was visiting Franeker this year. Finally I have seen them all in real; willem, maxima en bea and all the others of the family.


After a long day of walking through Franeker, we went to this sweet restaurant. After the meal we sat in the lounge chairs and had a nice irish coffee.

nynke laverman

Nynke did a performance for the royal family in Franeker as she does frysian songs. Nice to see this and I like her music.

kaap doorn

I stayed here for a few nights because I had a course there, workshop kind of thing. Persoonlijke Effectiviteit, where we had to think about what we are and what we want to be. What keeps us from doing certain things and what our own principles are and where they come from. Interesting and exhausting.


A nice dutch movie, based on the book of Jan Wolkers. Just simple and feel good.


Kitty and Maarten got married and had their party in this theatre in Delft. I had performed there once with de pit lela lela. Some dancing going on and the viavias did a small act of course.

angels in america, toneelgroep amsterdam

This is by far the best play I have seen in ages. It was a four hour play, long that is, but there was not any moment it was boring or in any other way not good to look at. The story is about the gay scene in New York when aids was first discovered and spread among a lot of them. Not a very happy theme, but the way the characters changed from healthy to ill was just very well acted.

de heeren van Delft

A really good restaurant on the beestenmarkt in Delft. We had dinner there at the bachelor party of Kitty. Good portions, sophisticated and well decorated.