Some dance workshops, a buffet and swing night on one afternoon and evening. I did a workshop tango, as I am determined to dance tango again from september on. And a workshop Egypt belly dancing, which was really really hard!! I thought I was quite flexible but it appeared not to be for belly dancing. I have to practice a lot!
The swingnight was with bare feet, I had to go early, to much bare feet for me.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
club kalashnikov in het pakhuis
A dance night with balkan tunes and hindi music. I danced like a maniac, completely stupid. Was nice to talk to sebastiaan again and made me forget the busy week and thingd to do.
viva la focus
On the first Mobile Film Festival Liliane and I went to do some networking activities with people that can help us in a project. It appeared to be a fruitful and entertaining afternoon-evening and we could make appointments with some infleuntial people. THe best thing was I didn't even know I was talking to the wethouder, after I told him what our project was about. Nice way of introducing yourself!
the holiday
But I liked this movie better, because I just like Jude Law. ANd it was romantic, maybe a bit too much. But also sweet and makes me happy.
This is one of those movies everyone says you have to watch. My mom recorded it from canal+ and on a good afternoon at Renate and Erwin we watched it. Good movie, nice, eh, spanish, and also a bit weird. But nice.
I alwasy passed this coffee bar as it looked to posh and sophisticated. But it turns out they have really good coffee. The weekend we had to do some more rehearsels I first went to the doppio for a takeaway capuchino and then went to the theatre. A good apotion also for the early mornigs when I have to go to Delft
kaap hoorn
A fancy cafe near het hoornse meer. First afternoon the sun was so bright you could sit outside without the need of three coats and with the need of sunglasses. Sjoerd showed me his car and we dorve around to do some promotion for our play.
Volksvernietiging - universiteitstheater
Three times we played in het Universiteitstheater last week. It was a very busy and intensive week, as I had to work in the morning and went to the theatre around 2 or 4 pm. All three shows went well, though each of them was different. It was nice some people I knew came and watch me, always nice to do it for them. It wasn't even that bad...
het paard van troje
A new cafe in Groningen, right across the pintelier. Also nice to have a beer and chat. It was the last night we played in het universiteitstheater and it was nearly big enough to fit all the people in there.
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