Saturday, March 29, 2008

Uitspanning boslust

And the morning after we had a capuchino and apple pie in boslust in the centre of Utrecht. Where parents go with their kids, an elderly couple, two girls drinking tea and having a cosy lunch. Back in the real world my head is still slow, my mouth is dry and then I have to go to a concert that same night.


Apparently you better not end up in this dancing, but we did. And we misbehaved. It was very late when we came home, and I don't know how we dealt with the time and beers and guys, but I had to wake up, because hanneke's mom was coming for a visit.


A cafe for the young working class. Very crowded. I ran into a former colleague of mine who moved to Utrecht a year ago. Quite a coincidence.

I'm not there

As i am stilla secret Bob Dylan fan only because of the song one more cup of coffee, I was very glad this song made it to the movie. The movie contains short fragments of 6 different lives, in which the storyline is not very linear and not intended to be clear. It is abstract and entertaining and has nice music. Especially Cate Blanchet was really good, it is funny how she acted a man, while being a very beautiful woman.

Voor een echt succesvol leven BY Bas Haring

A wonderful philosophical story! It works very inspiring because it looks at reality in a different way, but uses the same reality to do so. Hence he creates a new reality which makes it surprising and triggers me to recognize it in my daily life. I discussed it with many people and I tried what it is that he tries to proof. I am not even sure if I do it the right way, but it sure is a nice topic to talk about. A real successful life. What is success? Why do we want success? in what do we want to succeed?

Monday, March 24, 2008


Three weeks in Vietnam were gone before I knew it. It was great and I will only post some picture here.

cantina mexicana

The only good mexican restaurant in Groningen I know so far. I was quite sceptic beforehand, but because one of my toneelvriendjes (linde) works here, we were going there altogether for a meal. I actually didn't eat something typically Mexican, but furthermore it looked much better than what I ate at the four roses or the other mexican restaurant I don't remember the name of.

russian fairytales in Groninger Museum

It was a long time ago I went to the Groninger Museum. There was anice exhibition of illustrations from russian fairytales. tjitske and I tried to make the fairytale and the story behind the pictures. Was also nice to see that Kandinsky was actually also part of this exhibition.
BEsides that also some chinese art was exposed, because of the olympic games in Bejing this year. Actually that was quite nice to see. They really want to provoke other people (chines people) to confront with the daily life in China.

eastern promises

Strange movie about the russian mapphia. With Viggo Mortensen and Naomi Watts, you know it's not really russian, but it is scary somehow, because most likely the practices from this movie are true in some way. The cruelty of some people, unbelievable. Though I think the plot in this movie was not very strong and the kiss way too much, it was interesting.

ocean 41

Not my kind of dancing! The music was way too loud and I could fel the bass in my throat. As we were already quite tipsy from the leffe blond, we left after 10 minutes to go home and

vive la fete

Concert, not too good, I was very tired. I looked forward to it, but it was not as good as the previous time I saw them on Koninginnenach in Den Haag. Only at the end there were a few good songs and the performance was very short. I danced a bit, but didn't feel it. I just like other music better.

a thousand splendid suns - Khaled Hosseini

Similar to his other book the kite runner this book is full of details about afghanistan. It is unbelievable the two women in the book can bare with all the terror they come across. Of course it ends kind of with a happy ending, though, as in the kite runner, it has a bitter aftertaste. Sometimes he skips to tell something, and that makes it a bit strange (like how did Laila en Tariq leave Kabul to Pakistan, as it was difficult the previous times). And how come they didn't go after Laila and only punished Mariam? It is a nice book, but sometimes I missed the connection to the main characters, but that can also be because it is so not in my reality.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

la villa corse

After three weeks of budget food in vietnam I went to this restaurant with some colleagues in Paris. It costed as much as I had spent in one week in Vietnam, so you can imagine what kind of restaurant this is. Though I have to admit, the food is very good and sophisticated and the wine was splendid.

Bee's movie

Another movie I watched in the plane. This was a very sweet movie, but also a bit too stupid. Talking to bees, hm. But I think that it will stimulate schildren to be nicer to bees.

Michael Clayton

I started the movie because George Clooney was acting in it. But halfway I fell asleep. It was in a plane and I couldn't hear the soudn very well and I had the feeling some scenes were cut out, because I didn't quite follow the storyline.

Then I watched it again somewhere in november and di follow the story line and it is actually a very good movie. And George CLooney is still very nice to look at.

nachttrein naar Lissabon by Pascal Mercier

This is a very nice book. Many philosophical thoughts are mixed with a chronological story of a man in midlife crisis. I like it when it stimulates you to think about life and yourself.

de vliegeraar (kite runner) by Khaled Hosseini

A very nice book, of course. I think there is not anybody who hasn't heard of it. It was very funny to read this book in Vietnam, as that country was also in war with the US. When I stopped reading I really had to realize that I was in Vietnam.
The book is very moving and reads very easy. It is a new theme and really as good as they say it is.