Wednesday, December 12, 2007

the Notebook

On my last day of sickness I rented two new movies. One of them was the Notebook. I heard quite some stories about it, and they were good, so I was probably going to like it.
And i did. But as it started I remembered seeing a part of this movie once before. I don't know where and when but I jsut know I did. And back then I wanted to know what the title was,because I wanted to see the whole movie.
And finally I did. I just love the romanitc love stories. True love hurts once again.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

das leben der anderen

I remembered seeing this movie together with some squashmates. Not a particular happy movie, but it was a good movie. Also with Sebastian Koch and I remebered we discussed this actor then because he also took par tin zwartboek.
And this movie is also about a war, and I gues also the 2nd world war. I can't remeber exactly how ti goes, but I do remeber the sad main character who eventually turns out to be the hero.

Mysterious skin

On a lazy friday night I watched this movie together with a friend/colleague. It is a strange movie and is definitely not one to cheer you up. It makes you feel awkward and suspicious to the world around you. Thinsg I can't relate to at all, but it was all filmed very human, except for the alien part, which turned out to be all imagination. Pedofiles and whores, aids and loneliness, strange things and all in one movie is quite much, but maybe logical at the same time.


I was attracted to this movie, because it had an indian cover. I though it would be nice ot see some about India again. But when I finished it, it wasn't really because of that that I liked the movie, but because the way they showed what September 11 has doen to the muslim community. And although it wasn't very well acted, I could imagine things liek this had happened. THat because of the way the muslim community was treated after that day, they only became stronger and more fighting than they were before.

hable con ella

I don't know why everybody made such a fuz about this movie, because I didn't really like it. Crazy spanish guy and a beautiful spanish girl. And the torrero, the lady looked like a man almost. But anyhow, I didn't like the story either, it was toos ad and to farfetched if you ask me and it was too obvious she would come alive in the end.


When I was ill I rented some movies I always wanted to wathc, but never got the time for. So I also watched dogville. Strange form, but nice story it is still in my mind. Especially because half way the movie you don't mind the open decor anymore, you just don't see it. Only the ost basic thinsg that have a role in the story are there and even then some in a very minimal way. And I can understand why she did what she did. It's a sad story

Kinky Boots

I don't why I kept watching this movie, because it is an incredible unlikely story. too stupid to be true but on the othre hand, it was about shoes, hence it could be somewhat interesting. A boy earns the shoe factory which is about to go bankrupt. Then he meets a transvestite and starts making special shoes for that target group. With all the conservative citizens and employees it becmoes quite hard but eventually everybody shows their good side... blablabla


I very much enjoyed this movie and actually watched it twice in three days. Unfortunately due to copying I missed the first scene and it was a bit weird at first. But it turned out I only missed the prelude for what can be seen as the actual plot and sense of the whole story. I have to admit I fell in love with Sebastian Koch, although I had see him before in another movie (das leben der anderen) this was the first time my eyes were touched by his sensible smile and the way he looked at Carice. Later I understood that they were seeing each other since the time they worked together for thi smovie...
But about the movie, it is just remarkably well written and directed. Everything that happens makes sense and no stupid details attract attention. Another way to look at the 2nd world war and apparently we can finally admit what has happened and see that there are always two sides of a story.