Wednesday, March 14, 2007

ice-age and sinbad

nice children's movies, always a pleasure to watch if you don't have anything else to do.

het boek Benjamin (the book Benjamin)

As a follow up of the book Dina (het boek Dina) of the swedish writer Herbjorg Wassmo (or norwegian or something) I again enjoyed the tension and emotional bonding between family members. Themes as love, friendship, betrayal and jealousy remain interesting topics to read about. The struggle a person had (in thsi case Benjamin) to give meaning to his life without really knowing his mother, trusitng her and being able to rely on her. It's a long struggle in which he makes the same mistakes in a different category as his mom... as all kids we are predetermined not to... Now I am reading the last book of the trilogy the book karna, more about that later.

the curious incident of the dog in the night-time

Many people recommended to read this book. It's about an autistic boy that is determined to find out who has killed the neighbour's dog. For the few people that haven't read the book Iw ill not tell you about the exact story, but about the many times I though I was autistic. But hten again I relaised I do have emotions, and more than anything, I think about what other people think and about the subtle differences in meaning and understanding people can have. The reactions of peopel towards the bhavior of the boy where therefore sometimes very rude, because in a way I understand the boy. If this is indeed a relfection of how an autistic person thinks then it is very well written, but isn't this only the interpretation of the behavior of autistic people that makes 'normal' people think they think like that... well think about it and let me know :)