Great Indian food. When asking if they also served roti, the waiter said roti was turkish... he was not an indian nor had he ever been there. Luckily the owener of the place was a real Indian from Calcutta and he admitted that roti is also Indian but that they don´t make it, because nobody orders it and they have to throw it away.
It´s good Indian food... I want to go again!
Monday, January 29, 2007
argentinian Tango
I wanted to do argentinian Tango already for quite some time. I finally found someone crazy enough to be my partner and now we are attending the class of Rob and Inez on friday afternoon. It seems quite hard to fit the lessons in all the other activities we both have and can hardly make it each time. But when we attend we have great fun and it is a hard but very sensitive and emotional dance. I hope to improve a lot and in the end get the feeling instead of the thinking.
One of my temporary flatmates in Groningen, Tim, is the singer of the band ´Raindogs´. I saw their gig in the spieghel. All the other temporary flatmates were present as well. It was a guitar band, and I have to admit, though good, not very special. I seemed like they could not choose between a style and hence played many.
Cafe restaurant Vlaanderen
Before going to the drink and party at Bierhuis de Klomp I first had dinner in Cafe restaurant Vlaanderen at the Beestenmarkt. Very delicate food and the easiest fish was prepared so good it was just delicious not overly served and well decorated. I was there with my parents, Annet, Tjitske and Jody.
bierhuis de klomp (delft)

This cafe was the nice place I celebrated the end of my student life. In the afternoon I did my presentation and people that could not attend that could attend my drink and party in this cafe to congratulate me. Nice atmosphere and also cosy when there are not too much people. Jacco brought his camera, Arjen and Natasha showed up, parents left early, Joost came late and even some people from Groningen took the time to be here. I really like my friends!!
Veronika besluit te sterven - Paulo Coelho
I finished the book in one go, going from groningen to delft and back (this is approximately six hours). I didn't read it in my best mood and it depressed me. Though quite some visions Coelho tries to bring naturally, were familiar, it was also confronting. It decided to be crazy, act crazy, refind the directness and boldness I used to be famous for. I decided to use that strength, be crazy among the normal, and to find the other crazy people. Only to be crazy, you can truly enjoy and survive.
Half of Heat
It appeared to be a very long movie. It's a classic though and I quite liked the first 1,5 hours. Then it was more tempting to drink a cup of tea with a friend than to sit home on my couch... Next time better.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Before sunrise
I have seen this movie already five times. I can recommend it to everybody and so I do, which makes me watch it over and over again, because I watch it with them. The conversations, the romance, the connection, eveyrhting is just right and makes me feel good. Each time I hear something new that makes me think. I have watched it two times in the past month, can't get enough of it.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
hotel Huettenberg
I went to this hotel in Switserland. It's a peaceful family hotel in Braunwald, Linthal. THere are no cars allowed in Braunwald, so no traffic jams in the morning. Unless it's for skiing of course... Nos kiing for us in the ten days around christmas and newyears. On our last day there was finally enough snow but we enjoyed ourselves with walking, reading and playing card-games.
The Italian Job
As I am a fan of Edward Norton, I enjoyed watching this movie. Not just because of Edward Nroton, but also becasue I liked the plot. Though it reminds me abit of Ocean's Elelven and Charlize Theon will always have a sad face I can't stand. It was enjoyable.
the Great Gatsby
On my extremely relaxing vacation in Switserland I read this classic novel. Reads easily. It leaves a lot of imagination to the reader, which makes it like a play almost. I could not prevent myself to having Robert Redford in mind as the Gatsby... never seen the movie though
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