Wednesday, September 27, 2006


for my birthday I had dinner at this restaurant in groningen. Lovely food, nice atmosphere. Mkae reservations!


My first visit to the oosterpoort in Groningen (will many more follow...??). A few years back they were also in groningen when I was datings omeone here. We broke up a few weeks before the concert so then I couldn't go there anymore (i still lived in Delft, and that is not nextdoor). But now I moved to Groningen and I could go there together with Joost, a friend whose parents live in Groningen. I am a fan of this Belgian psychedlic melancholic rock since quite osme years, but only have two CDs. The show was great, the lightshow was also great and fitted the atmosphere of the music. Really dark and msyterious a bit like the sun was going down. THere was not much interaction with the crowd, but the music was fantastic, and she can sing... my favourite song Oil & Vinegar with a piano only. just love it.

Stuck on you

Another movie with Matt Damon, not that I am a really big fan of him, but this movie was on TV and I had nothing else to do. Stupid movie about siamese twins.

the talented mr. Ripley

Fabulous movie in which you can understand the guy acted by Matt Damon but morally it is just not right. The inner fight someone can have, it is just too frustrating, but this is how a serial killer must think and act upon (this is a very shortsighted explanation, sorry). But another thing: I jost looove Jude Law... When I saw it he reminded me of a good friend from India, too good looking, jummie


A bolly-hollywood movie. The girl who also acted in Austin Powers was again doing a nice job in this movie. It is a very easy story, the main actor has a terrible smile, but the indian accent grabbed me and the indian dancing as well. The small touch of spritituality, that is in every indian according to themselves, was now taught by a blond american girl. He acts like he is a guru and becomes famous for that... this is typical. I would expect a real indian to be capable of doing that as well... the means are not that important, the goal is to make money, be famous, get power, be powerful, once you have reached that, the maens don't matter anymore.


This was an Indian dance show in the New Luxor theatre in Rotterdam. I went there together with my dad, who thought it was nice to take me to this dance show. As the tickets were over 50 euros I didn't mind, I actually loved it... I just really like India (as you can also see in my previous post) and I like to go out wiht my dad. The dance show was, though a bit commercial, beautiful. The moves adn the music, the sound and the smiles made me think back of the time, made me actually feel that time again when I was dancing with some indians on the 19th floor in blooming heights in Mumbai. The moves are typical, and the grandeur of so many people on stage in so many colours is absolutely beautiful. It was a coincidence that on the day we went it was approximately a year ago I was with those people... A year before my birthday.


Because I have been in India for some time, I got a fascination for the free fighter Gandhi... although he wasn't a fighter of course. This movie took three hours, I had to zap every now and then. It was an interesting movie, but didn't really bring any emotion to me, I am a bit neutral. I couldn't really feel why the British behaved as they did and why they reacted in such a way to him, as well as I didn't understand exactly his ideas and conceptions... I am not saying he is not a legend, because he did make a difference, it is just not avery believable movie.