Wednesday, July 19, 2006

komt een vrouw bij de dokter

A Dutch book, by a Dutch writer then of course. He writes about his wife dying of breast cancer. He is quite a nasty man, but loves his wife, you can read it between the lines. But I would not be able to cope with someone that always has a second agenda, is with his mind somewehre else. Then it might very well be he is inlove with me (her), it is not giving enough affection, but maybe I demand too much form my guy...
I liked the bok, I read it in three days only, whoch indicates the easy way it is written and the tension is brought up. At the end of the book she dies and he takes his new girlfriend to the funeral.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

coach carter

A highschool movie with Samuel L. Jackson as Basketball coach Ken Carter. Feel good movie. With a lot of lessons and values for the kids that watch this movie. It's like a Disney movie with a realistic ending, well sort of...