Monday, May 29, 2006

secuestro express

A south american movie about drugs, corruption and above all love... and not love and wrong love. The end is quite intense, with a very obvious suprise (is that possible??), but the whole movie is pretty chaotic. They talk randomly, hard to understand who says what when not understanding any word of spanish. Sometimes hard to follow the main characters, why they are doing what they are doing, and no real explanation is given by the script or director. It makes me not ever wanting to go to south america.

Friday, May 26, 2006


I went to valencia for 5 days. I almost visited a bullfight, but since my friend didn't want to go, I decided not to. On sunday afternoon we were lucky, we came backstage in a traditional fiesta. A long line of fallas walked through the city in their beautiful dresses and suits. We ate paella, had a beer at lunch, had siesta, and enjoyed agua de valencia.

eenakterfestival delft

The 15th anniversary of the eenakterfestival in Delft. Last year I participated in it with my theater group by asking people's opinions on the several plays, this year a friend of mine was acting in one of the plays. She acted good, though the play was not. The 2nd (of three) plays I liked the most. The thin line between acting and reality was well played out and gave it a alienating effect. I got absorbed.

Friday, May 05, 2006


Normally i don't like these big events with too many people on one place with too few toilets, expensive beer an dno space to dance. However this year we brought our own beer, stayed at one place, lose to the stage, still had no space to dance, but brought own beer which made it not so obvious that half of the country was wlaking here. Van Dik Hout brought back old memories and vive la fete showed what party and act crazy means. Nice night, a bit cold though.


This play was quite intense and doesn't make you feel happy. I was impressed. They act as good as profesional actors and it is directed very well. Original and unique location and setting. I liked the gluhwein and the blankets with teven (female dogs) on it.

bk beats

a large festival at the faculty of architectural engineering in Delft. about 2500 people walking around and four stages with live music. I mainly dansed in the dj hall, but enjoyed the relax live show the best. Jump jump. To prepare ourselves for a party mood, hanneke and me made a dress and were all dressed up. It seemed that others liked their jeans best as party clothes. tsss...

love me if you dare (jeux d'enfants)

This movie, though a bit extreme, was really nice. It has unexpected turns and the end leaves you a bit in doubt of what happened. How a childhood friend can possess your love and live even though not present anymore. It is clear that when someopne challenges you, people are capable of doing asocial, irrealistic and irrespectable things. They only care about themselves. Sometimes I wished to have a bit more guts like they have.


Don't watch this movie. My respect for Toni Collette has decreased enormously. The movie stays slow and the cover is not what the movie is like. It's not even funny.

ik omhels je met duizend armen

First book I read from this writer: Ronald Giphart. He is famous because of his detailed description about sexual feelings, emotions and actions. I was expecting a book that would disgust me, but he surprised me. It is written stylish, with a realistic tone in it. Sometimes extreme but nertheless believable. I would really advise you to read it.