Wednesday, April 19, 2006

de aanslag

A dutch book by Harry Mulish. Shows another view on the war. I wasn't raised with the war, but it is the last war my country has had. We have freedom's day at the 5th of May and remember all war victims the night before. It is very nice and carefullu written. Realistic but all the time with the second world war on the background. It probably has more impact on a person's life than I can ever imagine. Lucky me...


A very slow movie in which the energy level never reaches your ancles. Smoking, drinking and fucking. Anything beyond working and being ambitious. Can be very inspiring. Or when starting to bring it to a higher level: society is wanting us to work all the time, wanting us to make something of our lives. WHY?? do we want it or do we think we want it. This is a movie that shows what your life can be like if you have no ambition, or only do what pops in to your mind.

Da Vinci Code

It reads fast, it's a page turner. But I got bored of the writing style. I had read "Angels and Demons" and "Digital fortress" as well, of which the 2nd was quite boring I. thought. Now I have ahd wnough of this writing style which seems like he wanted it to become a movie beforehand. Of course some things in the book are quite controversial, but as I already doubt the truth and trustworthiness of the bible (indeed I am not a christian, nor any other acknowledged religion) this is just another side of the truth which might not be true as well. So Christians among you, don't be afriad, this book did not influence me in my religious thougths.